The Third Quarter has come to an end. I have gained a lot of knowledge once again. First, we did our first Community-Based Research Project that required us to go to the barangays in our municipality to interview the locals for our research topic, specifically for historic purposes of our municipality. After finishing the interviews, we did the write-ups to complete our research paper. Furthermore, after accomplishing our Community-Based Research project, we learned about more html tags, like the HTML lists and nesting lists that we can use for our web designs. Once the lectures were done, using the data from our research project, we created a web design regarding our research topic. We applied different tags and attributes that we have learned in HTML and we learned to use CSS for our web page. Then we presented our web design in class. In general, I have gained a lot of experiences and knowledge from these tasks and activities.
The obstacles that I have encountered are the time during our community interviews, it was difficult to find locals that we could interview for our topic. Another is the lack of resources or previous studies from the internet regarding our research topic. And as usual, there were technical issues and network issues in the computer lab that caused a delay on our exers, blogs, web designs, and write-ups for research.
I addressed these challenges by asking other locals who we could possibly interview for our research. We did some deeper research and oral interviews to gather further information. And we refreshed the computers and server computers for the computers to work efficiently and effectively to solve the lagging, crashing, and network issues. With proper measures and cooperation, we resolved the challenges in no time.
Moving on, I will continue to share my skills and talents to further enhance my skills in ICT class. I will continue to work and study for future exers, activities, and blogs. Participation and teamwork is also crucial to successfully carry out the challenges and tasks, so I will continue to do well in these. And I will continue to apply what I have learned in the past experiences and lessons that we shared in this quarter.
I appreciate your post about your experiences in the 3rd quarter. i hope you learned well and we can learn more in the next quarter. Good luck !!