Friday, December 6, 2024



               Quarter Two was a like a roller coaster ride it had ups and downs, but it has finally come to an end. I have survived half the school year. And throughout the journey, I have learned a lot of things. Like about the functions of the HTML  (Hypertext Markup Language) tags. Mostly, I have learned about how significant tags and attributes are in web designs such as in inserting paragraphs, tables, rows, columns, background colors & images, font attributes, alignment & formatting tags, hyperlinks, and many more.

  The difficulties that I have encountered are the typhoons that continued to occur that caused delays to our lessons and activities. Moreover, our servers were almost down everyday due to the poor network connection that lead to our hands on activities unsaved. And I had difficulties in my mouse and keyboard because it was stiff that took my time a little longer than usual.

           After the occurrence of the typhoons and classes started to resume, our teacher gave us extra time to do our pending activities and quizzes. We discussed  I also asked for extra help from my classmates who are on the same server at the times where I was having a hard time on some of the activities.

             Moving on, I will continue to learn and apply the lessons that I have gained in our ICT class. Just like on the past quarter's reflection, I will try my best and I will do what it takes to make the best out of everything. And for me to successfully carry out my fourth year journey in ICT. 


Blogger: <>

Picture References:

6 Ways to Improve HTML Images For Users and Developers. Austin Gil. (November 4, 2022). Retrieved from

Happy Coding Tutorials Blog Forum. Happy Coding. (n.d.) Retrieved from



  1. It truly blows my mind how we were able to learn all of this in under a few months.

  2. I see that we really learned a lot of things under just a few months. It'a amazing how we went from being clueless about html to what being so aware of this now.

  3. It was really nice that you kept on moving forward even when you encountered many challenges. I hope that you will continue to learn new things in the next quarter.

  4. I'm happy that you still managed to overcome those challenges. Keep up the good work, Shatine!

  5. I'm happy to read your blog. Also it's so amazing that we learned a lot of new things under just a few months.

  6. You've learned a lot during this quarter, and its great to see how you face so many challenges. Keep it up!

  7. It's nice that you've learned a lot this quarter

  8. Continue learning and good luck!


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