Monday, November 18, 2024

Nurturing and Protecting Children Through Children's Month

        National Children's Month in the Philippines is celebrated on the month of November to honor the rights and welfare of Filipino Children. This year the theme for the celebration is:  “Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines." This theme is calling for action to address the cases of abuse, exploitation, and violence on Filipino children. It protects them from additional or repeated cases of experiences for abuse. This provides a safe and a nurturing environment for them, their voices are being heard and addressed. 

        This theme aims to address or reduce the violence that are being done to children here in the Philippines while the cases continue to rise.  The children not only experience physical abuse, but also mental and verbal abuse, even from their own family members. Some environments are not safe for them, even from their own homes. While we are now in a modern world, online abuse on children also now happens. Parents and guardians must also take action to prevent this matter. The theme encourages children to voice out their concerns or experiences regarding these prevalent issues. As a child, we should do what it takes to support or make these theme effective that will benefit us, the Filipino children. We, Filipinos must all cooperate to make an environment that supports children grow to become a well and responsible individual. May we continue to celebrate this event to further nurture and support the growth of  Filipino children. 

        Moreover, the program highlights and  the importance of the children's welfare and rights and freedom and recognizes the role of children in our society. It strengthens the laws and regulations regarding children. Addressing and reducing the issues creates a safe environment not only for children, but for all of the people here in the Philippines. 

Picture References: 

Octaviano: Celebrating the Filipino Children. (2018, November 9). SunStar. Retrieved from

Breaking the Cycle: Children Poverty in the Philippines. Child Hope Philippines. Retrieved from

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