Thursday, November 28, 2024



        Elpidio Quirino y Rivera was born in Vigan, Ilocos Sur in 1890. He was the son of Don Mariano Quirino, originally from Caoayan, Ilocos Sur. Mariano was a soldier who rose to the rank of sargento contador, the highest position that a local could have in the colonial army, and was reportedly transfered from Spain for instruction. He then took over his father's business and also worked as a warden at the Vigan Regional Jail. 
        Quirino's political career started in 1919, as he was elected to the House of Representatives from Ilocos Sur's 1st District. He served until 1925. In addition, he served as Secretary of the Interior under President Manuel L. Quezon from 1935 until 1938. Despite being elected again as senator, he was unable to serve due to the World War II. Upon the country's liberation, he was the chosen president pro tempore of the Senate. In the 1946 elections, he was selected as Manuel A. Roxas' running mate and elected vice president. He later became the President of the Philippines, complementing the remaining years of President Roxas' term after his death, and earning a new mandate in 1948, with Fernando Lopez as the vice president.


  Despite serving longer than both his predecessor and successor, Quirino is not as widely remembered. In his presidency, he was the first Philippine President to visit the United States since our independence that lead to economic growth.                                                                    



Honor and Value The Rights of the Indigenous People



               The Indigenous Peoples (IPs) here in the Philippines are proof of how rich and important the Philippine culture is. But, they are vulnerable to experience issues like discrimination and loss of their own cultural land. Through the month of October, the Philippines celebrate the Indigenous People's (IPs) and The 27th Year of Indigenous Peoples Rights Act Commemoration (IRPA) with the theme "Mga Katutubong at Katutubong Dunong: Pahalagahan, Pangalagaan, at Parangalan" (Valuing, Nurturing, and Honoring Indigenous Peoples and Indigenous Knowledge) This observance shows the ongoing commitment of protecting and strengthening the rights and culture of the Indigenous People.

           This month recognizes the significant contributions of Indigenous People (IPs) and their ancestral knowledge to the unique and rich culture of our country. Like through spreading awareness through cultural exhibits. Furthermore, on promoting inclusivity and rights to their ancestral lands, social justice, and integrity. Exhibiting their notable identity as every group they show distinctive indigenous identity that will help embrace their heritage.

           Overall, it stands as a reminder of the Philippines' obligation to enhance the spirit of the indigenous people where they can thrive and live safely that is away from any form of discrimination. And, it pushes people to empower the indigenous groups, ensuring that they being seen and heard. 


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Picture References:

Monday, November 18, 2024

Resilience Despite Disasters

         The Philippines is located near the Pacific Ring of Fire, it means that it is prone to different kinds of disasters. The predominant reasons for sudden or progressive changes in the environment that adversely affect many Filipinos' lives and living conditions can be caused naturally or man made. Like typhoons, rising sea levels, drought, deforestation etc. They all have an effect to the country.

        The Philippines experiences an average of 20 typhoons in a year, and climate change is intensifying how frequent and severe these storms are. Warmer sea surface temperatures fuel more powerful typhoons, leading to stronger winds, heavier rainfall, and increased flooding. Agriculture is the job of many Filipino livelihoods, but due to unpredictable weather patterns such as prolonged droughts, heavy rainfall, and flooding are destroying crops. This directly threatens food security and the economic stability of farmers. The shifting climate conditions also bring pests and diseases, which further harm crops and also animals or livestock. Illegal logging and agricultural expansion have led to significant deforestation in the country. Forests play a critical role in regulating water cycles, preventing soil erosion, and mitigating floods. When forests are cleared, the risk of flash floods, landslides, and soil degradation increases that poses a risk to people. 

        Overall, the challenges posed by climate change in the Philippines are caused by both natural phenomena and human activities. The effects on the environment such as more frequent typhoons, rising sea levels, and loss of biodiversity are interconnected with socio-economic issues. To improve resilience, we must cooperate and take action for environmental protection, disaster preparedness, sustainable practices, and local and national support of the government to minimize the adverse effects of these phenomenas. 

Picture References: 

More Filipinos hungry in first quarter of 2024 - SWS. (2024, May 1). Retrieved from

Filipino farmers advised to adapt erratic rain. (2018,August 27).

Nurturing and Protecting Children Through Children's Month

        National Children's Month in the Philippines is celebrated on the month of November to honor the rights and welfare of Filipino Children. This year the theme for the celebration is:  “Break the Prevalence, End the Violence: Protecting Children, Creating a Safe Philippines." This theme is calling for action to address the cases of abuse, exploitation, and violence on Filipino children. It protects them from additional or repeated cases of experiences for abuse. This provides a safe and a nurturing environment for them, their voices are being heard and addressed. 

        This theme aims to address or reduce the violence that are being done to children here in the Philippines while the cases continue to rise.  The children not only experience physical abuse, but also mental and verbal abuse, even from their own family members. Some environments are not safe for them, even from their own homes. While we are now in a modern world, online abuse on children also now happens. Parents and guardians must also take action to prevent this matter. The theme encourages children to voice out their concerns or experiences regarding these prevalent issues. As a child, we should do what it takes to support or make these theme effective that will benefit us, the Filipino children. We, Filipinos must all cooperate to make an environment that supports children grow to become a well and responsible individual. May we continue to celebrate this event to further nurture and support the growth of  Filipino children. 

        Moreover, the program highlights and  the importance of the children's welfare and rights and freedom and recognizes the role of children in our society. It strengthens the laws and regulations regarding children. Addressing and reducing the issues creates a safe environment not only for children, but for all of the people here in the Philippines. 

Picture References: 

Octaviano: Celebrating the Filipino Children. (2018, November 9). SunStar. Retrieved from

Breaking the Cycle: Children Poverty in the Philippines. Child Hope Philippines. Retrieved from

Intayon, ILOCOS SUR!

     Ilocos Sur is located in the northern tip of the island of Luzon. It faces the West Philippine Sea and to the east is the mountainous a...